Caring for the environment

Our approach


Meeting the challenge

As a long-standing member of the Printing industry in Western Australia, we have been established for over 20 years with continuous service to our long list of clients.
During this service, we have faced many challenges and, like a good survivor, have come through them all with a positive and learning outlook.
Today, with our clients becoming more focused on their impact on our planet, we have another challenge. Our clients want to know what they can do to reduce their environmental footprint.
As a supplier, customers expect us to be proactive, to lead and to advise them on the best alternatives to help reduce the environmental impact of our products and processes.
To see our proactive approach, read on…

Hand holding a green seedling plant

Demonstrating leadership

Our vision begins with forming an understanding of how to reduce waste, pollution and our overall environmental impact. We believe that our print industry, while faced with adverse business conditions and competition from other media, can do so much more than put ink on paper by including in our business model measures for reducing our environmental impact.

To achieve these goals we will:

  • Identify how our activities are impacting on the environment.
  • Measure the causes of various types of impact.
  • Form goals to reduce the impact.
  • Educate our employees and customers.
  • Commit to improving our activities and reducing our environmental impact.
Arrow speeding to target

Informed choices

We have decided to set a precedent amongst our peers and educate our customers, so they make fully informed choices, with environmental impact assessment being part of their decision-making process.

“Our sales representatives and account managers are constantly trained on environmental initiatives and updated on new trends. They are our most important channel for customer communication and education.”

Steve Little—Managing Director, Data Documents

Business meeting group at boardroom table

Our policy

We have identified and developed our environmental responsibility and policy around the following key aspects.

  • austerity and conservation of scarce resources, reducing all forms of disposable waste
  • understanding and constant improvement of how to allocate resources more efficiently, with the least amount of waste
  • maximising the opportunities to recycle.


We presently recycle:

  • 6.95% of water used in our prepress plate imaging machine, using a mini water recycling device
  • all offcut paper waste
  • all aluminium plates
  • plastics, cardboard and timber pallets.

Recycle symbol on a road sign

Production improvements

We use the latest printing machines—the best available for energy efficiency.
We are moving to process-less image plate-setting, meaning our image setting on the plates will use zero consumables and solvents.
On the printing presses, we use environmentally friendly vegetable-based inks which contain no petroleum-based emulsion. These biodegradable inks are produced with environmental certification.
Our plant and equipment is constantly updated and upgraded, resulting in better than industry averages for:

  • less spoilage of jobs and thus fewer reprints
  • less make-ready paper waste
  • lower ink and consumable wastage
  • better energy efficiency ratings
  • quicker machine wash-ups
  • quicker machine maintenance
  • less machine downtime with fewer delays
  • faster machine speeds for plate setting (CTP), printing, trimming, folding and saddle-stitching.

Platereader instrument measuring precision halftones on a CTP offset printing plate

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)

Data Documents is involved with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and its Chain of Custody certification through its partners. The FSC Chain of Custody is the highest and most trustworthy international certification for paper and timber products. Customers can be reassured that the paper being used supports the growth of responsible forest management worldwide. Trees are grown specifically for paper production, ensuring that all of the environmental and social interests are taken care of.
If your material is being printed on FSC stock, you are able to use an appropriate FSC trademark logo to promote your own support for environmental sustainability.
We can advise on the FSC paper options available to you that best meet your needs and supply the correct FSC logo for inclusion in your artwork.

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) logo
Pine tree plantation next to road

Choosing paper stock

We offer a variety of paper choices to our customers and help you to make the most suitable choice, while meeting your environmental objectives.
If you prefer to have less paper end up in landfill, we recommend partly or fully recycled paper.
For customers who prefer paper which is ‘greenhouse gas emission’ neutral, we will provide paper that is carbon neutral.
Alternatives such as rice paper, cotton paper and biodegradable synthetic paper can also be made available.

Box of paper stock samples showing coated, uncoated, designer and office paper types

Where our paper comes from

All of our paper is sourced from FSC or PEFC accredited paper mills, where pulp is harvested from well-managed plantation forests. Plantation sourced paper protects the virgin and old growth forests of the world from being destroyed along with their associated fauna and flora.
Additionally, all paper is sourced from mills accredited with an ISO 14001 environmental management system. These mills are both energy efficient and water efficient.
Finally, 90% of all paper used by us is totally or Elemental Chlorine Bleach-free thus reducing the impact of chlorine entering the earth’s atmosphere and creating acid rain. The bleaching process is based on hydrogen peroxide.

Waterfall in a rainforest, green foliage.

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Data Documents

18/15 Carbon Court, Osborne Park, WA 6017
Website by: Stylus Design